In Times

Not sure if today is really a post, but felt the need to share this as it is on my heart.

During times of grief, you can still have joy.

In times of pain, there can still be healing.

In times of chaos, there can still be peace.

In times of doubt, there can still be certainty.

In times of anger, there can still be laughter.

In times of emptiness, there can still be expectation.

When you don’t understand His plan, be confident that He is sovereign.

When you aren’t sure where to focus, just focus on the One who loves you the most in this world, Jesus Christ. He is forever a present help in time of need. He is joy and laughter. He is kind and gentle. He is firm and tender. He is an absolute wonder.

Hard times do not last forever. Joy comes with endurance.

Be excited. Be expectant. Be full of hope in Jesus. Life is still beautiful <3.

If you’re reading this and don’t know or believe in Jesus, that’s okay. Welcome to On Fridays, We Clean and know that the God of the universe is absolutely besotted with you. He loves you with a love that we’ll never truly understand because of our flawed understanding of love. He wants you to get to know Him and He’ll wait for you. You don’t have to be afraid of Him. Don’t believe the lies that He’s a mean God, pointing His finger at you and condemning you. He loves you and is waiting with open arms to embrace you with unconditional love. You can give Him a chance. Give Him a chance to show you Who He really is, not what people have told you, and experience Him for yourself.

We love you, Jesus and I.

Cleaning Tip: Dawn dish soap is a game changer when looking to make your bathroom sparkle!


Bless The Lord


Wedding Bliss