Go Wash Those Dishes

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

This one sentence when read can seem so simple.  It’s the perfect sentence telling us exactly what to do.  Yet, it is so hard!

You know, if I’m honest, trust has not always been easy for me.  I am someone who can be suspicious, an over planner and over thinker.  However, I am learning through the Holy Spirit’s power that trust cannot have suspicion, worry, fear, (over-thinking) or “a plan in place” which is really a false form of safety.  Trust has to do with rest.  Trust has to do with dependency and surrender.  Trust has to do with not needing to know the plan or outcome but being so confident in the One you have put your trust in.  You’re surrendered to Him and trust His insight and not your own.

As I said earlier, trust has not always come easy for me and truth be told, that is very aggravating at times.  I have been walking in relationship with Jesus Christ for almost 10 years and I will tell you this, I trust Him with my entire life.  I truly trust Him with my whole heart, but I don’t always have rest in my trusting Him.  Not having that rest as I trust Him, at times has caused me great pain, confusion and hurt that I put on myself.  My God has never given me a reason to not trust Him, and He won’t! 

Guys, that rest part is so important.  I believe it is vital.  It’s vital for how we move, how we speak, how we live and how our minds function.

A few weeks ago, I was out for a walk and used it as time to pray.  While I was walking and praying, I asked the Lord what was going on in my heart?  I was having some restless moments and was feeling fearful.  As I was praying, I told the Lord I don’t have rest and I worry because I haven’t surrendered certain areas over to You and don’t trust You with those areas.  In turn, I don’t always trust people… Again, there goes that moving in suspicion. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  The King of the universe is telling us, His beloved children to trust Him.  Trust His heart.  Trust His ways.  Trust His character.  Trust Him!  As we trust Him, have rest!  Rest your mind.  Rest your spirit.  Rest your soul.  Rest your heart. 

If you don’t know how to do that then ask Him to teach you.  Get into His presence.  Worship Him.  Worship Him and tell Him what’s on your heart. 

As I’ve been learning about myself and trusting in the Lord differently, I have come to find that He isn’t upset with me for not trusting Him in all areas of my life.  He’s not pointing His finger at me saying, Vanessa, you’ve been with me for almost 10 years, why don’t you trust Me?  Instead, He says, trust Me.  Rest in Me.  Rest your mind.  Lean on Me.  You’re safe with Me. 

If you’re reading this and don’t know or believe in Jesus, that’s okay. Welcome to On Fridays, We Clean and know that the God of the universe is absolutely besotted with you. He loves you with a love that we’ll never truly understand because of our flawed understanding of love. He wants you to get to know Him and He’ll wait for you. You don’t have to be afraid of Him. Don’t believe the lies that He’s a mean God, pointing His finger at you and condemning you.  He loves you and is waiting with open arms to embrace you with unconditional love.  You can give Him a chance. Give Him a chance to show you who He really is, not what people have told you, and experience Him for yourself.

We love you, Jesus and me.

Cleaning tip- wash your dishes and pray. You’ll be surprised how the Lord meets you in that simple task.


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