Mop or Stick

Happy Friday, everyone! 

Many of you may have seen the poll going on in my Instagram story determining if you are a mop and bucket person or stick and rag person.  This poll had so many funny comments, humorous stories and groans of disbelief.  Others even gave alternative suggestions on how to get those floors really clean!

As people were sending in responses, I couldn’t help but think, we all have our preferences and that’s fine, but is your preference making your season or situation harder than it needs to be (stick and rag)! 

Have I let my preference of how I believe the Lord should show up in my situation or season keep me from actually experience the full intimacy, breakthrough, trust, and rest that He is trying to give me, all because it’s not going the way I would prefer it to? 

I once heard someone say, “God is more concerned about your character than He is your comfort (preference).  If I could add to this statement, I would say, He is more concerned about our trusting in Him than He is about our preference.  He is more concerned that you know that He loves you with an everlasting love and won’t cause harm towards you.  He is concerned about us 💛.  Concerned not in a worried way, but in a He cares way.  I have to say, I’m so blown away that the One who created me, cares about me, all of me.  

Don’t let your preference trip you up.  If He said He would do it then let Him handle the rest.

If you’re reading this and don’t know or believe in Jesus, that’s okay. Welcome to On Fridays, We Clean and know that the God of the universe is absolutely besotted with you. He loves you with a love that we’ll never truly understand because of our flawed understanding of love. He wants you to get to know Him and He’ll wait for you. You don’t have to be afraid of Him. Don’t believe the lies that He’s a mean God, pointing His finger at you and condemning you. He loves you and is waiting with open arms to embrace you with unconditional love. You can give Him a chance. Give Him a chance to show you Who He really is, not what people have told you, and experience Him for yourself.

We love you, Jesus and I.


Does It Really Matter?


Bless The Lord