Rhythm And Flow

Happy Friday, everyone!

Earlier this week, I was talking to someone. She recommended I watch a video on the health benefits of singing. As soon as I got home, I watched the video on YouTube.  It is about a minute and eight seconds long. The video shares that if you speak the words of a song out loud then it activates the left temporal area of the brain. If we add a tune to the words (lyrics) we are speaking or singing, then it activates the right parietal lobe. When both of those areas of the brain are “activated” for lack of a better word, it then crosses the midline of the brain. Finally, if you add a beat or rhythm to those words and the tune, then the cerebellum gets involved.

When thinking of this, you can’t help but notice that singing becomes somewhat of a helmet for the brain. If you watch the video linked here you will understand what I mean.

Now the crazy part about this video is that just singing a song has all of these health benefits. It actually made me think about how many more benefits we have when we sing praise and worship unto the Lord.  I’ve spoken about this so many times, how praise and worship can and does changes our hearts and at times, our circumstances, but this was different. Realizing that singing activates the brain and almost covers us like a helmet, made me realize God truly is worthy to be praised. This reality of praise and worship being a helmet for the mind, made me realize that praise and worship guards us. It protects us. It gives us a sound mind and peace (Phil 4:7). It also made me realize that praise and worship truly is healing and healthy. If there is so much power in just singing alone, then how much more is there when we decide to praise and worship Him at all times and in every single season?  

Romans 12:2- Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If you every think to yourself, “I don’t know how to renew my mind,” then start with praise and worship.  

You guys, I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry lol. The realization that praise and worship truly fights our battles is so wild! It gives us healing and it actually draws us near to the heart of the Father.  

It also made me realize that what we sing really does matter. It affects our thoughts, actions, mind, heart and our overall health! It makes you think differently about what song you sing in the shower or on a car drive LOL. Ladies, our Father longs to be romanced, the same way that we do.  Your desire for that is not wrong or in vain in its purest form. Its purest form is in Jesus. You were created to desire romance and love.

If you’re reading this and don’t know or believe in Jesus, that’s okay. Welcome to On Fridays, We Clean and know that the God of the universe is absolutely besotted with you. He loves you with a love that we’ll never truly understand because of our flawed understanding of love. He wants you to get to know Him and He’ll wait for you. You don’t have to be afraid of Him. Don’t believe the lies that He’s a mean God, pointing His finger at you and condemning you.  He loves you and is waiting with open arms to embrace you with unconditional love. You can give Him a chance. Give Him a chance to show you Who He really is, not what people have told you, and experience Him for yourself.

We love you, Jesus and I.


Now that you know singing has health benefits, what song will you keep on rotation in your mind and heart to praise the Lord?

Did you know that singing resembles a helmet for the brain?

Now that you know singing resembles a helmet for the brain, how does that shift your thinking when it comes to praise and worship? How does it shift your thinking when it comes to singing in general?

To watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le2LBDCR43g&t=6s


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