Pick Something New!

Happy Friday, friends!

We have made it to another weekend and let it be a great one.

On my last blog post, I talked about how my greatest desire is to live in His perfect will for my life.  I want to accomplish all He has for me in this life.  I don’t want to miss anything.  I talked about how exciting that can be but as time went by, the unknown of what God had for my life brought me fear.

A few days ago it was Valentines Day.  On Valentines Day, I went out with my boyfriend to spend some time together.  While we were at the restaurant, we started to talk about some dreams on our hearts.  As we talked, I told him that I knew one of the issues on my heart when it came to the future was being afraid of the “what ifs” in life.  What if I mess up the plans He has for my life?  Sometimes I think God the Father created me to be too much of a thinker lol, but then I remember He makes no mistakes in how He wired.

The “what ifs” in life can be anything.  “What if I am wrong about this job?  What if this isn’t what the Lord is saying?  What if I make the wrong choice?,” and on and on we go.

As soon as I told my boyfriend the “what ifs” of life that make me scared, a scripture verse came to mind.  Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways submit (acknowledge) to Him and He will make your paths straight.”  I said the verse out loud and felt like something inside of me finally aligned.  I surprised myself when the verse came out of my mouth.  It was the Holy Spirit giving me the sweetest reminder that as I acknowledge Him in all my ways, in all that I do, that He will make my paths straight!  I’m not strong enough to mess up His plans for my life.  He’s got me.

Do you guys see the beauty in that?!  There is such a freedom in that scripture verse.  Why do we worry or fear about the “what ifs” in life?  Why do we wrestle with the idea that we will mess up God’s plan for our lives especially if you’re including Him in each detail?  Of course, we should understand that our decisions all have consequences, be it good or bad, however, when you’re living your life for the audience of One and acknowledging Him throughout the entire process, then why would He let you fall astray?

For a long time, I thought that if life was going “easier” then that meant I was making all the right decisions.  I must have been “acknowledging” Him in all my ways if life was smooth sailing LOL.  However, I have learned that a life with Jesus does not always mean easy.  It just means He is with me in all of it!  Let Him be the leader of our lives and include Him in each detail, plan, dream, and hope in our hearts.

Truth be told, when that verse came to mind, I felt like the Holy Spirit was letting me know that I do acknowledge Him in all my ways and therefore He will make my paths straight.  I don’t have to be afraid.  Guys, Jesus has genuinely been dismantling the lies that fear has tried to keep me bound to for sometime now.  It’s like I am watching each ugly fear finger loosen its grip each day.

I have said this a few times and will continue to say it.  Fear is a liar.  It’s a big fat liar and can be sent back to hell where it came from, in Jesus name.  Fear doesn’t need to keep you bound.  My mom told me not so long ago, “Vanessa, pick something new.” LOL.  What she meant by that was stop living in fear and let the Lord heal a different area of your life.  It’s been too long that I have wrestled with fear and it needs to be silenced and finished once and for all.  “Pick something else!” LOL.  I love you mom, thank you for being the best mother in the world and my best friend.

If you’re reading this and don’t know or believe in Jesus, that’s okay.  Welcome to On Fridays, We Clean and know that the God of the universe is absolutely besotted with you.  He loves you with a love that we’ll never truly understand because of our flawed understanding of love. He wants you to get to know Him and He’ll wait for you.  You don’t have to be afraid of Him.  Don’t believe the lies that He’s a mean God, pointing His finger at you and condemning you.  He loves you and is waiting with open arms to embrace you with unconditional love.

We love you, Jesus and I.


  1. What lies are currently being dismantled in your life by the voice of the Holy Spirit?

  2. What scripture verse is coming out of your mouth when fear or worry comes to mind?  If you don’t have one, find one!


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Perfect Love