My name is Vanessa Mercado. I have been walking and following Jesus consistently for almost 8 years. I was raised in church, but it wasn’t until the age of 22 where I finally had my own encounter with the Holy Spirit and found out what salvation and the love of Christ means. I am a part of a local church where I help lead our women’s ministry, and I serve as a worship leader. If you know me, you know I am always praying; I love to pray. Be it corporately, by myself, in my room, doing the dishes or really… whenever, wherever. I love to read, to write, to listen to people, to problem solve, and help people grow, especially women.
This blog is a dream that has been hidden in my heart for over ten years. The point is simply to share a little bit about me as I surrender daily to Christ and work out my salvation. It is meant to encourage women be it young, older, stay-at-home moms, working women- wherever your life is: the one thing we all have in common is things have to be clean. And for me, I notice the Holy Spirit speaks to me the most when I am cleaning. This could be because it’s when I tend to pray the most or because my cleaning is a seeking for some type of order and structure when things are out of control.
As you read this blog, I hope you get to learn a bit about me but most importantly, Jesus and how He is kind, even in His conviction. How He cares and will forever chase after us and how it is the sweetest romance I have ever been part of. Being a Christian is not necessarily always easy as it is a daily dying to yourself, but it is so worth it when you know you have the Savior and Creator of the world right next to you, caring for you. He will never leave you or forsake you - He is consistent. I hope it encourages you on your journey.